Walking on the path shown by Nectar course, one naturally experiences a spiritual thirst for deeper fulfillment. Here in advance course you are introduced to your eternal self, beyond the physical body. Your 6th sense or the guru tattva within is invoked, which guides you to your inner wisdom. You are now on the path of introspection, contemplation and self-realization. You are taught deep meditation and techniques to resolve inner child issues, heal the dark side, practice body dialogues, detached attachment, invoke the sushumna nadi , activate and balance 7 chakras and your energy body. One experiences the alchemy of the soul and tremendous transformation in the outer world.

  • 7 basic Chakras
  • Guru Tattva Activation
  • Inner Wisdom
  • Introspection
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Dark Side Healing
  • Detached Attachment
  • Body Dialogue
  • Seed Mantra Chanting
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Nervashuddhi
  • Physical Chakra Exercises
  • Guided Meditation
  • Balancing Ida, Pingla Nadis
  • Invocation of Sushmna Nadi
  • Super Brain Yoga


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