The root of every problem we are facing is our ignorance about self, about what we actually are and about the power which is lying deep within us. M2O nectar workshops help you push open your inner doors and access this power. This course helps you detoxify your mind and bring out the power within and apply it in every area of life. You can solve every problem and create a life of your dreams. You are now on the path to infinite Love, Joy, Peace, Freedom, Success and Possibilities…

  • Mind: Conscious & SubConscious
  • Super Conscious
  • IQ, EQ, SQ
  • Cosmic Energy
  • States of Mind
  • Mind Body Relationship
  • Money: A Vibrations
  • Diseases & Mind
  • Aura & Chakra
  • Laws of Universe
  • Karma
  • Forgiveness & Freedom
  • Shackles Of Past
  • Relationships
  • Meditation
  • VamanKriya (Negative Erosion)
  • Pranapan
  • Relaxation
  • Auto Suggestion
  • Command
  • Visualisation
  • Affirmation
  • EET & TTT
  • Ho-opono-pono
  • Short Key
  • Ring of Oasis
  • Protective Shield
  • 9-3-9 Technique
  • Half Glass Technique
  • Goal Chart
  • DreamBook
  • Power Nap
  • I Am At Peace


Fill the form below to join for upcoming workshop starting from 11th April 2023!

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