Ancient science and spiritual scientists like Krishn, Buddh, Mahaveer of India spoke centuries ago about Psychosomatic ( created in mind and experienced by body) nature of our experiences in life including Diseases.
It is the world INSIDE-OUT.
Enjoying good health or healing our health depends greatly on the state of mind that we are in.
Our mind and body constantly communicates with each other. Positive thoughts and emotions make our body feel light,energetic and vibrant. It fills our body with wellness and efficiency. Negative thoughts and emotions on the contrary makes our body feel heavy,tired, inefficient and Diseased.
Unhealthy state of mind cannot experience health and wellness,nor can it begin or speedup the natural healing process of our body
Mirage2Oasis takes a holistic approach, help you realise your ability of self healing and your body’s natural intelligence to heal itself. Know that ‘you are the power’.