M2O Holistic Healing

In pursuit of enhancing overall wellness, Mirage2Oasis (Manisha Shah) proudly presents its initiative, “Holistic Healing,” in collaboration with Yog Mantrra (Sadhana Jain), Yognidhii (Bijal Dhanani), Laughter therapy (Bhagwan Babur). This unique workshop brings together four leading practitioners, each specializing in a vital aspect of holistic health. This collaboration brings together ancient wisdom and wellness practices, offering a comprehensive and powerful approach to achieving Health, Emotional Resilience, and Overall Wellbeing.

M2O Holistic Healing

Workshop Learnings

Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy

Start your healing journey with the joy of laughter. Laughter Therapy is a powerful tool to reduce stress, boost your immune system, and improve your mood. Let go of your worries and embrace happiness in its purest form.


Experience the power of breath with Pranayama, the ancient practice of breath control. Learn techniques to calm your mind, enhance concentration, and increase vitality. Its a gateway to deeper meditation and self-awareness.
Sukshma Vyayam (Yoga)

Sukshma Vyayam (Yoga)

Discover the subtle art of Sukshma Vyayam, a series of gentle exercises designed to improve flexibility, circulation, and energy flow. These practices are simple yet effective, making them accessible to people of all ages.
Mudra Therapy

Mudra Therapy

Unlock the hidden potential of your body with Mudra Therapy. These hand gestures channel energy, balance the elements within you, and promote healing. Mudras are a simple yet profound way to connect with your inner self.
Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing

Our Emotional Healing sessions are designed to help you release negative emotions, overcome past traumas, and build emotional resilience. The Mind Power techniques work to address the psychosomatic causes of diseases, helping you heal from the inside out by resolving the emotional and mental patterns


Find your inner calm with our guided Meditation sessions. Meditation is the cornerstone of holistic healing, offering a path to mindfulness, relaxation, and spiritual growth. Our sessions will help you raise your emotional quotient and spiritual quotient to overcome any kind of challenges in life.

Why Choose Us?

At M2O Holistic Healing, we have successfully conducted numerous workshops that have empowered individuals of all age groups to overcome physical, emotional, and mental barriers. Our approach has led to significant positive transformations, helping participants achieve balance and wellness in their lives. With a proven track record of success, we are dedicated to guiding you on your healing journey, offering personalized and effective solutions for lasting well-being.

Transformative Programs

Thyroid Recovery Program

Workshop: Weekly Thrice
Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 7 Weeks

Heart & Lungs Health

Workshop: Weekly Thrice
Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 7 Weeks

Diabetes & Digestion

Workshop: Weekly Thrice
Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 2 Weeks

Managing Menopause

Workshop: Weekly Thrice
Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 3 Weeks

Healthy Knee, Back, Sciatica / Arthritis

Workshop: Weekly Thrice
Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 2 Weeks

Chakras, The Wheels of Life

Workshop: Weekly Thrice
Time: 1 Hour
Duration: 7 Weeks

Voices of Transformation

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